


08-17-2014, 01:32 PM

A mass of destruction came barreling down the terrain, covered in blood from the appendages up, it had not phased her the slightest bit -- wearing someone else's tainted embrace gave her a rush of adrenaline and that murderous background that she portrayed so exclusively. Like a wave of sanctification, relief fell over her, laughing silently to herself at the very thought of escaping what was yet another blood-shed revenge - against an organism who deserved it's fate. The fresh residue of crimson substance trickling down her open chambers, sharp canines that reflected the suns rays glistened an eerie tint. The mighty temptress, designed with a valley of muscle tone, ones that over-lapped one another to create colossal fragments of masculine bridges, moved her way across the endless carnival of twisted landscapes. It could never get any better than where she was at now, the when and where, she absolutely was in heaven -- drinking down the metallic saliva that was ones blood. Pure tranquility.

Sinister took her time down a plateau, her enormous frame rippling with each step the silver goddess took. Retinas that held death in every awakening hour, scanned the area around her, their deep steel glowing silver entrancement basking in the glory of the battlefield that lay only miles to the side of her. As if she could hear the cries of rage and pain, the repeating blows of masculine's and feminines combined creating a melody in her alerted auricles. Stimulating her senses, she gathers in lingering scents that orbit her being. Paws that were dipped in a river of blood left faint trails behind her, though he dared not erase their prints. The only thing on her mind was food, she needed something to sate her hunger, then again, the pool of blood surely did ravish some of that lust.

At least what seemed to be five minutes later, the bristling pitter-patter of a hounds paws came into ear shot. Sinister was on edge, with an already puffed pelt, around the shoulders, along the spine and upper neck prickled like a porcupine -- making her look ten times her size. If you looked close enough you could see the vast changing of her eyes, they filtered a blood-shot red, in order to show her aggression and cruel streaks. But, like any curious wolf, she sashayed her way steadily down a slope towards her target. Slowly, yet surely she'd land her optics upon a moving specimen, one that could be identified as a male. The aroma he allowed to seep from his bodice was not as nearly overwhelming as the last brute she came across, he appeared strong and well built. The two of them both stood eye-to-eye, and the snow white beauty then realized that he could possibly be a fair opponent with she wished to maim or dominate. Either way, she was down for both. Of course, she won't just suggest a fight, unless given the opportunity. For now she'll simply approach him int he midst of her dressed in red cloak.

Like demonic tidings, let them take you in a she whispers a tale into your ear. Let her manipulate and then maul you. Yet only thing leaving her lips was the essence of pure ancient accents, looped with angelic Greek remedies. "Well, look what we have here. A stray. maybe? Are you lost boy?"