
This is Me

Requiem I


2 Years
08-17-2014, 02:10 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

It felt wonderful to have his mother back in Ludicael again. She had been gone so long and so much had happened in each of their lives, but despite it all they were able to slip into their old ways as if she had only been gone a few hours rather than a few months. He would have never expected her to take up the old position as leader that she once had, not after everything that had happened and her current condition - it was still hard for Requiem to wrap his mind around the fact she was pregnant - but she had. Though it made him worry about her, it filled him with joy. If Song meant to begin leading them again, it meant she had no intentions of picking up and taking off again. It meant he had his mother back.

He had stayed close at the beginning, half afraid he might wake up one morning and find her gone again, but then the dark male who had shown up with her was always close too. He knew his name, knew that he had helped his mother in her time of need when she had been beyond Ludicael's borders, but his own trust in the man had yet to be built. He felt uncertain around him, a little shy but also guarded. But at least he knew there was someone keeping a careful watch on his mother at all times.

Considering his mother had been spending more time in her den of late, resting and preparing for the birth of her third litter, there was always the chance of stopping by when she was in the middle of a nap or unable to sleep, so he did not think too heavily over dropping by even now that night had fallen. His steps were quiet, softly placed as he wound through the darkening wood that surrounded the springs, his gaze downward and his thoughts absently wondering how she might be faring. It was not until he was closer that the telling scent hit him, alerting him to a change near the den that his mother had recently claimed as her own, and anxiously he hurried to reach it faster.

His steps faltered only when he spotted the large figure of Garth standing within the den's entrance, practically filling the space and hiding his mother's smaller form within its shadows. Requiem stared, hesitant and worried, before he made himself speak to the dark wolf's back. "Is she okay?"