
Some things can't be undone


08-17-2014, 06:48 PM

He would settle down behind her, his pale skull resting across her petite shoulders. A small smile would curl her dark lips as his tongue ran across her dark fur before his lyrics fell quietly. "'We'll figure something out." It wasn't a very good answer, but it was the truth. She wouldn't let this child starve so soon after saving him. Especially now that she knew that this tiny child was Apollos own flesh and blood. Her gaze would linger on the child, finally taking time to examine his mangled leg in detail. He had a long road ahead of him that was for sure. He would shake his head, whimsical words leaving his pinkish lips. A soft chuckle would roll of her tongue as she peered over at him, looking mildly amused.

"Your life would be so dull without me though." Sultry words fell from dark lips before a serious look took over. "He will have to learn to deal with it, he will be trained to strengthen his leg until he can finally use it properly and then he will begin something more rigorous." The dark queen would muse out loud, peering down once more at the tiny bundle of fur at her belly. Such a strange turn her life had taken. First she had found Apollo, and now she had a child to care for. Who would have thought she was capable of caring for a child? Her thoughts would be kept to herself, they were for her own amusement. For now, the only thing she was sure of, was this child would grow to be something great, he would be the key in bringing down Olympus. She could already imagine the look on his parents faces when he ends their miserable lives.
