


08-17-2014, 09:10 PM

Out-of-Character Name: Ely
How did you get here?: time travel
Age: 23

Character's Name: Sokanon "Raccoon" Grithmor
Age: 6 months
Season of Birth: winter
Adult Height: 32inches
Appearance Description:
This babe, wrapped in glimmering silver, grays and slate blue. The blending and ticking effect of her body even and unique in its own way. Her paws dipped in ebony looking like little socks, while ears match in the same hue. This ebony covers the top of her muzzle, up along her snout, between her eyes the parts. Like a mask her wraps around her emerald gemmed eyes, along the side of her face then up to her ears.
A light grey hides on her underside. Along her belly, her chest and neck, up to her cheeks, lower jaw and along her lips. The same pale grey marks the tip of her tail. The next color is an average grey tone covering her legs, her side, and underside of her tail. Along the side of her neck and then appearing again between the mask and pale grey on her face. A stone dark grey blankets the rest of her upper half but along her spine and following the bone alignment down through her tail, up her neck and the top of her head is a ticking effect. The hairs consist of silver, pale grey, ebony, and varying shades of grey.

She will be a small thing as a pup, willowy and on the skinny side. She doesn't look like much, not holding any promise of what she will be like once older. As she reaches adulthood, one can see she will be a slim and elegant female. Her legs long and slender, quick on her paws and agile. She will have well pronounced feminine curves, swaying hip and a regal face with a slightly long muzzle. Once fully mature she will stand at 32 inches tall and weighing roughly 110lbs.

Proof of Purchases: In gemstore awaiting approval.