
What To Do


08-17-2014, 10:30 PM

The wolf's plain brown eyes opened and stared around searchingly, the stillness she had exuded a moment ago gone as she suddenly drew herself to her paws. Her tail wagged excitedly behind her, her whole body seemingly thrumming with energy as she darted forward a few feet before lowering her head and pressing her nose to the ground. Scents filled her senses as she drew in a breath, those familiar and expected to a place like this. The scents of the trees, the earth, the faint remnants of other passersby. But she was only interested in one in particular, a little scent that was presently causing the smile to sit upon her grey and white muzzle.

The young woman stepped hurriedly forward, obviously tracking something from the way she seemed to move about. A few hurried steps forward and she would stop again, assessing, altering her course every couple feet or so. At one point she even stopped to turn in a complete circle, as if attempting to get her bearings within the woods, but she was at it again in a matter of moments. She was getting closer; it was evident in the widening of the smile on her face, the quickening of the speed at which her tail moved.

Quite suddenly she stopped, fixing her gaze upon the base of the tree that sat dead center ahead of her. She was perfectly still, her wide gaze skimming the singular location, and very suddenly she leaped forward, paws reaching, as something akin to a yip was voiced.

At her paws, a little brown creature leaped, clearing himself of her grasping and darting away a foot or so before he stopped and looked back at her with his heart hammering in his chest. "Alright, alright! You win!" he stammered hurriedly, the chipmunk's paws lifted in defeat but held there to stop any further advances. The blue-marked wolf merely danced about on her paws, an excitable whine falling out of her unnoticed as she dipped her front half into a playful bow. "Oh no, that's enough," Rhys muttered with a shake of his head, dusting himself off with a little shake, "You know I don't like this game." No, he most certainly did not. But it was Serene's favorite, and it was hard for him to tell the girl no. Especially when she looked at him with those warm, expressive eyes of hers.

Taking the hint, Serene gave up her efforts to get her small companion to begin their game again and dart away to hide, straightening herself up and reclining back onto her haunches with a puzzled sort of lean to her head. What were they to do now?