
Message in the pulse, lost my past in the basement



08-18-2014, 01:13 AM

She was always watching.

Her brown eyes caught the slow movement of the male in the early morning, apparently this girl didn't sleep too much. Silently she followed his path, keeping her small body hidden in the shadows. Multi-coloured ears stood at attention when he paused, catching the sigh that passed from his lips. He was looking out beyond the pack lands, was there something troubling the younger boy? Haruka shuffled on her paws slightly, unsure if she even wanted to go out there and talk to him. She wasn't one for mild chit-chat, and she didn't really trust him yet. Even though his position had more power than hers, didn't meet she would bow down to him. No, she was a rather hard nut to crack herself. Both so stubborn, and both had a side that was rarely seen. Athena had worked her way into the older girls heart, but she was the only one. This brother and mate to her, was on the waiting list.

She stuttered at the thought of siblings being mates. She didn't condone the two because of it, it just made her think of her and her own brother in that kind of partnership, which made her feel sick. To each their own, she wouldn't judge them, but she couldn't deny the creeping feeling that sat in her gut when she thought about Ritsuka in that way. No way in hell she would feel like that towards him, but it didn't mean that these two weren't happy. Steeling herself, she let out a sigh and left the comfort of her shadows, approaching the man on his right side.

"Greetings." She barked simply, not really knowing what else to say to him. But she had followed him out here, she would look like a fool if she just sat there and waited to be seen. Athena knew her habits already, but she was unsure if her mate did. White tail swishing behind her, her brown eyes looked at him with a pit of unease settling in. She didn't really dislike Vereux, but she wasn't really fond of him either. Only time would tell on which side of the scale he sat.