
Will You Accept My Love Again?



11 Years
08-18-2014, 10:04 AM
Bane thoughts were on the last few moments, before the waiting game that was played.?The musk of mating had hung heavy in the air, clinging to their fur, the only thought Bane had was of simply pleasing her. He'd felt the moans against his muzzle, the she-wolf shivering as he moved against her hips, arching her back and gasped his name with the whines she voiced. Tahlia had tucked her forepaws in a coy manner when they first began, now pressing her claws into his chest as the sensation of ecstasy grew with each movement until finally her back had arched with release. Bane then kissed her, moving slowly now to ease her down from the high as he lay himself upon her. And they waited. Trading licks and holding one another close, Bane gave a wince at where her claws had scraped him as he shifted off of his mate.

A paw reached out to touch her throat, the fur damp with his kisses and nips, his own chin tingling from where she had gave him a kiss. Tahlia gave an answer, Autumn. The season before winter, and it wasn't to far away. They would try for a few more pawsteps to follow after them and their older siblings, full of questions and curiosities. Regarding his last question, Tahlia had said she was unsure, and Bane couldn't help but smile at that. She was pleased. It was all he could hope for after what their relationship went through, his paw moving down to her chest to give a few circles in the fur. The pale wolf shifted closer so his chest was touching her side. A heavy sigh left him as he closed his eye.

They lay there for a moment in the waxing dawn, Bane getting up with a grunt and shake of his pelt, leaning over Tahlia with a quick kiss to her chin. "Wanna go laze by the lake? Catch a few fish for old times sake and just exist for today? I'm not doing much and your a hunter. That also means fishing, and if anyone questions it just say so." Bane spoke, stepping away and giving a glance behind him. He'd make this day enjoyable for Tahlia, just like old times by the river before they came here. Fish was a good place to start. Bane figuring that salmon would do them good for the afternoon. As for the evening... the old wolf didn't know, but it would have to be something where it involved the both of them. With a toss of his head to look back Bane took the lead toward the lake, looking forward to this day of just bonding.
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•