
Wealth and Taste



1 Year
08-18-2014, 08:36 PM

She was smart, deadly so it would seem, and that put her a little higher in his book as well as the idea of calling Bevroren home. She knew just how to use her size and weight to her advantage as she swiftly avoided the majority of his attacks. He couldn't hide the small grin that had caught his muzzle when she had done that. She turned almost parallel to him which was not something he had expected from her. She was on the left side of his body aiming to bite down on the left side of his neck but he wasn't going to fall for it. Just in the nick of time he managed to shift slightly to the right and forward slightly so that the bite caught his left shoulder blade rather than his neck near his jugular. Her paw had slammed down on his which caused his teeth to clench up and his jaw to tense. That would bruise. He could already feel it happening. He had managed to pull it back out of his reaction to the pain before her claws could sink into it.

He turned himself so he was positioned face to face with her before at He would attempt to lunge at her right side now as he had just swung to face her from that direction and he in his lunge he would attempt to give her right front leg a swift bite to leave a mark to remember him by but nothing too severe and in the back half of his lunge, he would try to nip at her Achilles tendon to throw her off balance while he would not attempt to bite with enough pressure to sever the weak spot harbored within every wolf. When he ended his lunge he would probably end up standing a few feet away from the woman with his defenses set again if everything went as planned.

His legs would spread a bit once more to lower his center of gravity to help him with his balance. His tail would tuck to lower his body mass that she might be lunging for while his ears would slick back for the same reason. His legs would bend a little bit as a an effort to lower his height to make it harder for her to reach his neck hopefully. His neck would be scrunched up to help protect his vitals while his head would be lowered to further protect his neck. He had a smile to him, a 'bring it on' grin that he was so famous for when it came to his fights. He was just getting warmed up.

Round 2 of 3 for SPAR