


08-18-2014, 02:25 PM (This post was last modified: 08-18-2014, 11:41 PM by Crucifix.)
Attendance is mandatory for everyone, excluding pups and one parent to pup sit. Those who do not show here and also did not show in the hunt will be kicked out of Solstice. All posts must be made by August 28th

Irritation flared in her chest. The pack hunt had not turned out as well as she had hoped. Only had a handful of wolves participated, while she knew that there were plenty more who failed to show. Lips threatened to lift in a faint snarl as she left the forest behind, venturing to the grass plains. Grass tickled her belly as she moved to the heart of the territory. Once she was satisfied with a spot, her crown would tip back, a booming call leaving her scarred lips. Their lead warrior has failed entirely. He had yet to call a single meeting for the pack to begin training. Hackles would bristle down her back before falling flat once more. They desperately needed someone capable. Already she was considering Dayton as leader hunter, he had proven himself already. Orchid made a wonderful lead healer. Now all they needed was a lead warrior, someone capable of training others. Haunches would reclined as she mulled over her plans. As always, Ekko had followed and now sat quietly beside her. The petite woman would have a smile shot her way as they waited.

Today she would sort out the warriors from the rest, determine who would make up their fighting force, she would also need to start looking out for who could join their Elite force. Anyone who wasn't equipped for fighting would be given another job to do. The russet Queen was not fond of those who were content to remain without a job, in her opinion, everyone needed a job. It was something that her and cru didn't exactly see eye to eye on all the time, but she refused to lead a pack of useless bodies. her tail would twitch back and forth as she waited for the pack to flock to her. There was much to be done today. Everyone would be given a sparring partner, then she would announce who was going to be a warrior, and the rest could choose between hunter, healer or unsorted. After the warriors were chosen, she planned to call a second meeting solely for them, they would begin a more rigorous training that would undoubtedly put them to the test. At the back of her mind she made a note to inform Cru of her plans later.
