
Let's Dance, Baby!


08-18-2014, 02:35 PM

Odette would confirm that everything was fine, and the Queen would relax. She gave the tri-colored woman her full attention, especially when she mentioned having a certain request. A grin would split her features when the woman spoke her ambitious request. Jaws parted to speak, but Cru appeared, explaining his happiness. "Excellent, shall we begin?" She would back a few steps away from the woman, defenses settling in easily. Her ears fell flat against her skull, eyes would narrow to slits as hackles bristled down her back and neck. Powerful limbs spread equidistant, bending at the joint for better balance while toes splayed and claws dug into the ground. Her crown lowered to fall level with her spine as her chin tucked against her throat. Thick plume would align with her spine, straightening itself to act as a rudder. Her abdominal muscles would tighten, preparing for Odettes attack. Powerful shoulders rolled forward, pushing an extra layer of fat and fur around her neck.

"You may have the first move." With her defenses set solidly in place, she would permit the woman to attack first. Lips would twitch in a grin, fangs peeking out behind her lips. Adrenaline flooded her system with the impending battle. She knew it was only a spar, but the thrill of any fight was enough to get her high. She was a warrior to her core, nothing would change that. The call of battle sung to her like a siren, beckoning her to the edge before sending her plunging over the edge. With her attention fixed solely on Odette, she would wait with impatience for the woman to move.

SIBELLE vs ODETTE for RANK: Round 0/2?
