


05-12-2013, 11:00 PM

She had missed him... It struck her as he reached out to touch her cheek and she leaned into the touch. He wasn't that old, it had almost been heart breaking to see him leave them in the paws of Kaien and then to simply disappear. She had been the main reason she had tried so hard at her job in the beginning. With Kaien everything had turned complacent, lax and lazy. She had missed doing things, being a part of something bigger and being needed. She hadn't realized that until Morphine had bothered to take the time and talk to her, to learn her skills and put them to work. He spoke easily, dismissing her respective greeting and settling into a more friendly state, speaking easily and talking about righting Kaien's wrongs. She smiled easily, lips curling at the thought though she couldn't think of anything specifically that Kaien had done wrong. It was just... He hadn't done anything right either...

But after a pause he carried on to speak of the changes and the treaty with Vahalla. It was then that her eyes were cast to the ground and she slowly sank to her haunches. This had been... A tender subject for her and she didn't have to fake her unease with everything going on. The subject of her rank being stripped almost raised her hackles again but he believed in her, believed she would be able to gain her rank back. She didn't speak for a moment, gazing at the ground as her mind swirled. She appreciated the sentiment, especially since it came from the once most respected wolf in her life. She had had an instant respect for Nnoitra when she had joined but some of that had slipped away when he had handed the leader role to Kaien and then simply slipped into the background.

He dropped his voice low and she glanced up at him, ears swivelling forward to catch hushed words. Would she stay here? Well she had made a promise to Morphine so of course she would. But ears folded back and a sigh sipped from her lips. "I debated leaving when she spoke of stripping us of our ranks. Everything is kind of piling on suddenly. My brother left to kill Kaios, a new leader, no rank... And with us suddenly aligning ourselves with Valhalla I can't help but wonder if I should simply go elsewhere to recreate myself. Yourself and Morphine were the only ones to make me feel needed. I still plan to kill Cyanide if you'd allow it, I was trained to be an assassin and now we're not allowed to do anything..." she said with an exasperated sigh. Bust slowly she straightened herself, tail flipping around her hips as she rolled her shoulders back.

"I will stay. I will prove my worth for the time. Maybe this will be a change for the better but if not I will leave. I joined this pack because it leaned towards the chaotic side, you were notorious for taking in everyone and anyone and now anyone who doesn't want peace is to leave. I still don't know what I want, I understand that a war would probably mean the end for us so I can accept it for now. But I was trained to be an assassin and would like to do something other then sit around and accept newcomers when one or two wander to the boarder in a month." She said, another sigh slipping from her jaws as she looked up at him, hoping he would understand. She hated feeling useless and just wandering for the sake of wandering. The last few months she had spent staking out Valhalla had been the most excitement she had had in months, at least since the volcano.