
Cheshire Country


05-12-2013, 11:05 PM

He complemented her again, this time a much lighter note than before, thank the stars. She supposed she could let it slide. She dropped onto her stomach and licked at her paws, trying to rid herself of the burning she felt in her toes. "If you were half as smart as you looked you would have known better than to make such frivolous comments." She muttered, attempting to keep the venom from her voice.

Deceiving as her size and appearance was the male didn't seem to understand that she physically lacked the skills a hunter needed. In her life she had hunted birds and reptiles and not much else aside from amphibians. She doubted she could take the horns of a stag any better than she could take the bite of a nonvenomous snake or the frightened wings of a bird. And yet the rouge insisted that she partake in a hunt with him. Strategy did little against rushing hooves or goring antlers, much less for a wolf so lacking in defenses. " I have no strategy, and my only strengths outside of my fangs are my speed." She said simply. "I have nothing to protect me from a counter attack nor anything to keep me out of harms way." She spoke softly, her voice cloaked with the bitter pill she had swallowed from once again having to admit her weakness to a stranger. "I am a warrior. Nothing more, nothing less. Hunting anything but wolves is not my forte." She stood and turned to leave. She'd had her fill for the day. Her fill of being weak and helpless. She had decided to move on from Thane. Wasn't that enough? Wasn't it enough to put the past behind her? Why did she need to focus on why she would always be weak?
