
What I've Done



08-31-2014, 03:26 PM

He?d easily let his haunches to the ground as she finished up her bit of fawn, she?d let her gaze fall upon his own as he took in her words. He seemed surprised that she?d asked, like she should have known what it was that was going on. She knew something was really wrong, though with his lack of concern she?d forgotten about the movement in her abdomen and had endured the pain in her torso. Then his words would fall, and she?d be confused for a moment. The word was foreign to her for just a moment until her memories would shift and she?d come to realize fully what he?d told her.
He really had caused her ailment. He was the reason she was now very much with child. She was mostly still as she took her eyes from his form, the weight of the revelation surrounding her as her orbs fell to her belly. He was right to think it should have been obvious, and it would have been were Guinevere in her right mind. Veera had no clue however. She?d sigh quietly, her eyes coming to rest on his form. He would still devour her with his mercury gaze, he certainly did not make her feel any less attractive. Still. She held his spawn within her.
A feeling of honor would fill her breast as she looked back and forth between their sire and her belly. He?d trusted her with the lives of his offspring, and if anything amazement would overcome her. "Really?" She?d ask as though there was a doubt. The wretched feeling would dissipate as she thought of the tiny life within her womb. "What an amazing gift you?ve bestowed, my prince." she?d whisper.
