
The Worse Kind Of Pain


08-19-2014, 02:05 PM

It was just a casual day within Abaven. Wren had heard the cries and has drank in the aroma of blood from the claim challenge. She had faith in Bass...she knew he was strong enough to take on the challenger. But seemed he had failed. The agonizing cry that rang out in the air immediately shot the woman to her paws. It was Bass- and he was definitely in pain. She instantly raced out of her den and propelled herself out of the area, making her way toward Bass' limp body to comfort him. Yes, Wren knew absolutely nothing about herbs and plants and all of that medical business. But Bass was her friend. She'd do anything to help him.
Finally, she arrived, and Bass looked horrifying. Blood covered his soft creamy fur, and from where she was standing, he looked practically dead. Gasping, Wren raced over and flopped down beside him, careful not to press up to his wounds. But she was close enough to comfort him and provide heat. "Bass...?" Her tongue slowly drew over his head, removing a small amount of blood. But she was basically trying to see if he was okay...and to comfort him while he felt weak and defeated. "Speech"