
I Just Killed My Boyfriend


08-19-2014, 03:55 PM
Skype for questions :)

The battle raged on. Her opponent was ruthless, she could give her that much. This fight would end brutally without a doubt, her opponent thirsted for her blood. Adrenaline would flood her system, numbing the injuries she received. She allowed herself to be swallowed up by the fight, she lost herself in the carnal desire of drawing blood from her opponent. This time was different, this pale girl was different. If she were to survive, she needed to match her opponent in ruthlessness. There was no other option but to best the ivory bitch this time.

No matter what, her defenses remained locked down solidly. She knew that one mistake could be fatal against this opponent. Her torn ears remained pinned against her skull, eyes narrowed to slits, her hackles remained lifted as her skull remained level with her spine. Chin would tuck against her throat protectively while broad shoulders remained scrunched forward to provide an extra layer of fat and fur around her neck. Thick plume would remain level with her spine and straight to act as a rudder. Limbs would remain equidistant and bent at the joint to stabilize her balance while toes splayed and claws dug into the ground for traction. Finally, her abdominal muscles remained tight and tense in preparation for the next assault.

Her opponent was quick, immediately swinging her hips out to her [art's] left, bringing them once again to a perpendicular position. Much to her disappointment, her fangs would merely rip into her opponents throat, she got no gratification of a hold, but she was rewarded with a small tang of blood. It was an even greater disappointment when her paw slammed down on the earth, her adversaries paw safely moved away. Out of her line of vision, a pale leg would wrap around the center of her own left forelimb, successfully pulling it out from under her. Her balance would falter, but as she had thrown her weight forward and into the girl, she would successfully collide with Artemis, though only at the woman?s pale shoulder, thus causing her left shoulder to bruise moderately. This collision would prevent her from falling entirely, giving her enough time to stabilize herself and balance her weight onto her remaining legs. Her stumble would also cause Arts jaws to land higher than anticipated. Her enemies fangs would grip above her left elbow, positioned so that top teeth would puncture the front part of her shoulder, and bottom teeth would grip just below where her limb connects to her torso, but above the elbow.

A snarl would pain would leave her lips as fangs tore through flesh and muscle with undeniable force, which would undoubtedly take time to heal. As soon as fangs pierced her flesh, her own hips would shift two steps to her right, increasing their perpendicular position from approximately 90 degrees to about 120 degrees. Simultaneously, her neck would crane to her left, chin tucking tightly against her throat, jaws angled downward in an attempt to pierce her adversaries right eye. She would attempt to force her bottom fangs into Artemis?s eye, top fangs merely aiming to obtain a grip on her opponents forehead. She hoped to use the fact that Art has tipped her jaws to her own left to get a better grip on her opponents face. Simultaneously, she would thrust her skull downwards, jaws agape, she hoped to at least force her opponents neck into an awkward downward angle. She wanted to use the pale wenches grip on her own russet limb to her advantage. She hoped that she could apply enough force to force her opponents head down, should jaws still be attached to her limb, so that her adversaries neck would be forced to crane at a tight upward angle.


ATTACKS: Moving her own hips two steps to her right, so to increase their angle from approx 90 degree angle to about 120 degrees. Simultaneously, her neck would crane to her left, chin tucking tightly against her throat, using the fact that art tipped her jaws to her own left to once again attempt to puncture Arts right eye, bottom teeth are trying to blind her, while top teeth her merely seeking to obtain a grip on her forehead. Simultaneously, she with throw her head/jaws downward, in an attempt to push Arts neck into an awkward downward angle, hoping to use Arts grip on her leg to her own advantage.

DEFENSES: eyes narrowed, ears pinned, hackles lifted, chin tucked, head lowered and aligned with spine, shoulders scrunched forward to provide an extra layer of fat and fur around her neck, tail straight and aligned with spine to act as rudder, limbs spread equidistant and bent at the joint, toes splayed, claws digging into the ground, abdominal muscles tightened

INJURIES: round 1- heavy bruising to the left side of her rib cage, light bruising across her forehead. round 2 - severe bite to her upper leg, above her elbow but below where her leg attaches to her body. moderate bruising to her left shoulder from colliding with Arts right shoulder

OOC: got confirmation from aly that their perpendicular position is about 90 degrees.


image copyrighted to Lakela on dA