
The Worse Kind Of Pain


08-19-2014, 04:20 PM (This post was last modified: 08-19-2014, 04:41 PM by Xae.)

Xae was ashamed of himself the moment he arrived on the scene. Bass had been in a battle. And Xae, a mid-ranking healer, had not been witness to it. He should have been there, should have been close enough to hear the challenger's call, to be right at Bass's side when his leader finished the fight and needed his wounds tended to. But if he were honest, Xae had never, not once, imagined that Bass would need tending to. So he felt shamed. It didn't matter how highly he thought of Abaven's Azat - he should have been prepared. He was a Vor now. Bass had upped him in the ranks, because he had taken notice to Xae's hard work. He should have been there. Even if there would have been nothing to do, even if the outcome would have ultimately been the same, he should have been there. But Xae said nothing, not a single word left his tightly shut muzzle as he set to work, having arrived shortly after he heard Bass's cry of pain. It irked him that he was not the first, and that he didn't even recognize one of the females who had curled herself around him. He couldn't help but send a lingering glance at Harmony, who had decided to let Xae put his skills to use, and he couldn't help the way his heart quickened. She was trusting him. She was trusting Xae to properly care for her wounded brother. The memory of her tongue's caress over his cheek caused his heart to pound louder, and he again recalled her sweet scent, the touch of her fur against his. He pushed the thoughts away, remembering that she was entrusting Bass's care to him. His heart swelled with pride as his nose gently ran all along Bass's body, trying not to hurt him anymore than he already was. Everything seemed to be centered near Bass's front half, so Xae could mentally picture the fight.

He could see the obvious wounds. Bass had punctures on his upper and lower muzzle, the ones under his chin being the worse. Blood flowed freely from the wounds. As Xae's nose carefully ran along the bones, he was able to feel a small crack, a tiny imperfection in the otherwise straight bone structure. His right forelimb had more minor scratches, and an image of a great black beast - fore who else would cause such damage to the seemingly invincible Abaven leader but a great black demonic beast? - raking its nails down Bass's limb caused an unusual feeling of anger to flow through the russet male's veins. The scratches didn't appear to be serious, so Xae moved on. He noticed swelling on Bass's right shoulder, and as he gently but firmly nudged the skin, he could feel its tightness. The same swelling could be found at the forefront of the right side of the Azat's ribcage, just behind his elbow. Xae was able to determine that the most serious injuries were, indeed, the punctures on his muzzle and the fracture in his jaw. Nothing was life-threatening, and that did allow him to relax - albeit very minimally. He looked at the bundle of herbs that Harmony had brought and sent her a thankful look. Of course she would have dandelion root. He quickly chewed up the root and used his tongue to apply the poultice to Bass's right shoulder and his ribs. He used the soaked moss ball to clean the dried and caked blood from his leader's pale fur. As he turned to look through her herbs, he noticed that she didn't have any spiderweb, which wasn't a shock to him. It wasn't something entirely well-known, and Xae himself only knew of it from his parents. Without a word - not intending to be cold, but not seeing a point in wasting anymore time with words - Xae turned and began searching for webs.

The russet male brought the bundle back to Bass, carefully lying the webs in a clean grassy spot on the ground. He glanced at the pale female beside Bass, questions alighting his pale gaze, but still the boy remained quiet as he lowered his head, gently running his tongue over the Azat's muzzle to clean away the new blood that had dripped down. When the fur and injuries were as clean as they'd get, Xae began carefully rolling the webs into balls between his teeth, his lips curled so they didn't get in the way. Truthfully, were the situation not so serious, it would have been a comical sight; a dark rust-tainted wolf using his teeth and the dried tip of his tongue to create a ball of spiderweb, lips pulled back far away from teeth. When he was satisfied and had the appropriate number of spiderweb balls, he carefully began applying the first one. He glanced at Motif, then Harmony as he carefully and gently worked the thin parts of the web underneath the skin, silently searching for their help to keep Bass still if the pain became too much. But, though Xae pulled back, his work was far from finished. He took a breath, looking down at Bass. "This is going to hurt, but I need you to be still." His voice was both soft and firm, soothing and yet commanding. He glanced at the two Destruction females again, and then the pale unnamed female lying at Bass's side. Without wasting more seconds, Xae bent down and, as gently as he possibly could, used his upper and lower canines to squeeze the wound shut over the web. No matter what Bass did, whether he did in fact struggle, or whether he lied there patiently and obedient, Xae finished quickly. The web held the skin together like it was supposed to.

Xae repeated the same process for each puncture. For the scrapes on his alpha's forelegs, Xae simply licked them clean. The scrapes wouldn't need to be held together, and would heal perfectly on their own. He had noticed that Harmony had Boswellia resin, and mentally thanked her as he scooped the strange dry-but-liquidy substance up with a piece of bark. He lowered the resin in front of Bass. "This is resin from a Boswellia tree. It will help with inflammation, which will help with pain. You need to ingest it." The russet leggy boy glanced at Harmony, both for reassurance, and to make sure she would add anything if she felt anything needed to be added. "We should bring him to his den. And... maybe give him poppy seeds to help him sleep." He kept his eyes on Harmony as he suggested this, hoping the pale she-wolf would approve of everything he'd done.

OOC NOTE: I didn't realize that Bass was passed out, but Eve told me that he's waking up anyway, and was awake for Xae's treatment. So, yeah. XP
