
The Worse Kind Of Pain



08-19-2014, 05:24 PM
The young beauty had filled out nicely thanks to the healing treatment she had gained here on these pack lands although she was still thin in herself and looked like she was through the wars thanks to the few mats that lunged in her fur she was able to rome around once more. as the days followed she seemed to find herself following her doctor xae around as if she was a young pup following her mother but the thing was she felt as though she needed to repay the kindness that this place had given her it wasn't often that one would care for a loner so easily so she owe this place her life and so wanted to help out as much as she could.

As normal her ink covered paws followed silently behind Xae as he ran off on his next mission in the hopes she could find some way to help him and so she mentally prepared herself for any task that she may be asked to do. however as the scent of blood irritated her nose. the black female froze as her honey orbs rested upon the male that was collapsed and wounded upon the domain The wolf that had help her was now in need of help himself. Sorrow soon filled her optics so much so that tears were visible within her orbs and threatened to overflow at any moment as she slowly moved forwards before she reclined to rest her rump on the domain while she continued to over the kings frame, she did not know of the battle so she wondered what could have caused this. wallowing in her own thoughts while the males was treated she failed to really notice anyone else in the area before her ears picked up on Xae's orders to move bass to the den. shaking her thoughts from her mind she pulled herself to her paws to show she was willing to help in any way possible