
The Worse Kind Of Pain



7 Years

08-19-2014, 05:51 PM

Darkness was all the boy knew at the moment, the endless blackness slipping on and on. Was he dead? Was this all death was, black? Not being aware? But no, he hadn't been dying when he wandered back into his lands, just hurt. So he couldn't be. Not unless Isardis followed him to finish what he started. He was cold, but that didn't last for long. Heat swelled around him suddenly, scaring him and causing him to whimper. hushed whispers were heard, but he could but no meaning to the soft spoken words. It was as if they were being spoken from the end of a tunnel, he wasn't even able to put names to the words. He felt soft touches along his skin, sweet and gentle. Still Bass did not open his eyes though, he only existed in the dark.

More heat followed, more soft words. It wasn't until Xae noses at his form did he claw towards the surface, the touches setting hid body on fire. Golden eyes flew open as the pain once more took hold of him. they flew around, unable to focus on the many shapes that hovered above him. And then he saw their faces, all mixed together. Wren, Harmony, Motif, all but one of his favorite girls. And then Xae, the faithful healer that worked with strength at his sisters side. His eyes lingered on Wren, wide eyed in pain as he searched to focus on Motif. She had seen him fail. Ears pressed flat against his skull at his gaze dropped, a mournful whine leaving his lips. Failure. "S-sorry." He managed, the words burning as they pushed through his injured muzzle. He could almost feel the fractured bones rubbing together, making him flinch in pain as he kept it shut.

He wanted to appear strong in front of his members, so taking a deep breath he closed his eyes once again as Xae started to clean his wounds. It stung when the males soft tongue brushed against the new wounds, but he knew that it was vital to keep them clean. The Vor told him to sit still and Bass squeezed his eyes shut tight, his paw feeling for Motif as he clung to her leg. As he worked along his jaw he flinched, trying to hold as still as possible as pain at the rough touch seared his young body. When he pulled back, his body slumped further into the ground. The constant throbbing pain made him feel weak and tired, and he wanted nothing more than to hide himself from his pack. Alpha's were not weak.

A strange resin was placed in front of his face, Xae's words making him open his eyes to the world once more. Licking up the bitter substance hurt, but he trusted this Vor. Sucking his tongue back in, his ears pressed further back when he talked about moving him to his den. "I can do it myself." He spoke, trying to sound strong, even though every word that left his mouth hurt more than the rest. Taking in a breath he tried to pull himself onto his limbs, his entire body shaking with the effort. He managed to stand, although he was far from stable. His side hurt when he breathed, his shoulder almost giving out under the pressure. Lifting his head and tail high, Bass took a few shaky steps, trying to show that he was strong. He would not let his pack think he was weak. No, he had already lost.

Bass could not hide the pain as he took another shaky step, his front legs collapsing under the pain. Huffing as he fell into a bow, the Azat struggled to pick himself up. No, he would not show his suffering. Sucking in another breath, it took several heart beats for him to finally stand up, trying to take one last step.