
The Worse Kind Of Pain



3 Years
08-19-2014, 06:28 PM (This post was last modified: 08-19-2014, 07:33 PM by Mirabelle.)

The she-wolf froze as a cry of pain reached her ears. Her muzzle parted slightly as she breathed in; the scent of blood was sharp but not unexpected. Nor was it unexpected that the blood was clearly from Bass, for he had been in a battle, although she still approached with trepidation towards the origin of the cry. What if he was hurt badly? Screw that, she knew he was hurt badly, and that the battle did not go well. And bluntly put, that completely scared her.

She sped up, hurrying as quickly as she could towards him. As she neared, she could smell other wolves there too. Xae...Harmony...Wren...and a new wolf whose name she did not know. Even all of their scents did nothing to reassure her, and it certainly did not help that when she finally came into view Bass was trying to walk. Towards his den. Without help. "Idiot," Mira swore, trotting over towards her struggling alpha and putting her shoulder to his. He was going to hurt something worse if he kept this up. "Stop being so stubborn, dear Azat, and lean on me before you collapse." She scowled at him. "And I must stress, you don't have a choice about leaning on me. So do it or I swear you will be carried like a pup who is too lazy to walk on his own." At this moment, she did not give a damn about her bluntness, and the fact she was pretty much threatening her alphaalpha. "Oh, and you scolding me for being blunt can wait until you don't have a messed up muzzle."


[Image: cq7LziB.jpg]