
The Worse Kind Of Pain


08-19-2014, 06:47 PM

Others began to arrive, including Harmony, Motif, and some other unfamiliar wolves. The first one that arrived, the Azgrat, didn't seem to happy that Wren was so close to Bass. She probably didn't know of their friendship. But it didn't matter. Bass needed help...and bickering wouldn't do it. So Wren just continued to comfort her friend, often drawing her tongue along his head or ears. And she was extra careful not to get near the wounds. Of course until Harmony and Xae arrived. Once they did, she slowly stood up and backed away, sitting down and watching the medics do what they could on Bass.
Her soft green eyes were full of worry and stress...but she knew Harmony and Xae would do everything they could. And Bass was strong. Even if he lost to Isardis...he was still the king Abaven needed. No other brute could take his place. Slowly would Wren tuck her tail over her paws, ears flattening back against her skull as she watched Bass whine and whimper in agony. But suddenly, he began to limp toward his den, and the woman rushed to help him. Until Mirabelle showed up instead and threatened him. Quelt had gone up and said a few words to Bass- but Wren didn't pay attention. She was too furious to listen.
But she didn't know that Mirabelle was just trying to help- Wren didn't see it like that. Heck, she was too nervous and stressed out to think about it like that. The woman immediately stood up and ran over, lips curling back and eyes narrowing as she stopped beside the russet-hued woman. Violent growls erupted from the depths of her throat, tail slowly aligning with her spine. " rat! How dare you threaten him!?" She had of course spoken after Quelt had. But oh, what she would give to tear into the neck of this woman. But no...she knew Bass wouldn't appreciate that. Not one bit.