
The Devil In Stitches


05-13-2013, 09:15 AM

She hadn?t been a member long, and the last pack meeting she had attended she had been a rouge. This time she would attend a meeting as a member of Tortuga. Curiosity ate at her, as she worked her way towards the summoning place. What was going on? She worked her way towards the summoner, at a steady pace.

At the edge of the clearing, she paused but only momentarily before walking out into the clearing, head held high. This would be her first time meeting her pack-mates, and she had always been told that first impressions were the most memorable. She scanned the clearing as she entered, noting the different members and noticed with a slight bit of shock that Desdemona was standing on the rock, with another male. This pair was different than the last that she had seen at the last pack meeting.

She sat away from her pack-mates, close towards the front but not close to any of them. She hadn?t had the time to meet them, nor the inclination too- yet. She raised her head, to watch the pair, and listen to what they had to say.

Desdemona?s words were interesting, and cast an interesting light to her interest in Tortuga. She had met the wolf once before, and had gained something akin to respect for her. She didn?t know the male r that stood beside her, though that would soon change. The other wolf, Nnoitra, spoke words to reinforce Desdemona, and right after other wolves spoke. She watched the exchange with a careful expression and forced neutrality and relaxed expression. Every word soaked into her, as if she was a sponge, she would remember everything.