
Take me until the sun comes up


08-19-2014, 11:25 PM

The sun was setting, casting shadows over the ground, but the remaining soft rays toyed with her coat, giving her a glowing appearance. She traversed the muddy ground, her limbs sticky with a combination of blood and muck. The crimson liquid of a fallen doe matted her throat and chest, while each step she took flung muck onto her belly. A stranger might find her to be an udder mess, a woman falling apart under the pressures of the world. But she was, in fact, the exact opposite. The newly reinstated Queen prowled the lands she called her own. Healthy as ever, she was more than ready to once again conquer the world. Tongue lolled lazy between parted bloodied jaws, her hot breathe adding the humidity of this dreadful place. While she loved the heavy mist that clung to her pelt and swirled at her ankles, as she was not a fan of the wet muck that clung to her with every step and squished between her paws.

Silver audits would swivel in various directions, listening to the various sounds of birds chirping and other wildlife. Over the scent of the wetness and muck, she picked up a hint of someone familiar. Hackles would bristle as her crown lifted high above her shoulders, eyes darting to and fro in search of him. Lips would grin into a twisted grin that looked more like a snarl than anything. A low, throaty growl vibrated in her throat as she waited for her lover to appear from the mist. "How nice of you to join me." Sarcastic words were low, filled with anger and lust. He had not touched her since their gruesome moments back on the island. He had rarely shown his face and she was tired of it. Irritation flared in her chest and coursed through her veins. Eyes would narrow as her tail curled around her hips. She would continue to scan the mist in search of his familiar verdant gaze, ears swiveling in an attempt to determine which direction he was coming from. The last thing she wanted was for him to sneak up on her...