
Just Like Yesterday



10 Years
08-20-2014, 12:10 PM

The medic often visited the battered king -- to offer him herbs to speed his recovery, but not so many as to drug him and make him feel worse. Each visit she would present crushed ginseng root, lavender oil, and meadowsweet. The ginseng root served to reduce the king's stress so he could relax more easily, as well as increase his appetite, and the medic had made note to crush the root so he may ingest it much more easily with his fractured jaw. The lavender oil would aid in returning strength to his fractured mandibles as well as his bruised shoulder. The meadowsweet was more of a precaution: used for general pain relief to give him energy. As she would begin to move toward the stony den of Bass', memories would flash through her mind. The birth of Abaven seemed to be years ago, though it was only seasons ago: when she was a mere apprentice in the craft of healing then; and now she was an expert of herbalogy.

She would venture along the shoreline of the lake as she would see the stony den come to view, but this big brown thing stuck out of it. Curiosity and fear tugged at her to bound faster across the lands, mismatched gems struggling to decipher what was sticking from the den. If it were a bear, she would have gone in flying with claws and fangs to defend her poor brother, but it seemed to be Motif at first, until she caught sight of her tail. It was Rhythm. Though she was her sister and Bass had invited her inside his den, she wasn't quite happy she had not asked her permission, but she disregarded it with a simple shrug, approaching the den and nudging her sister aside to drop the herbs at Bass' paws. "Hello Rhythm. I'm just coming by to give Bass some herbs to help speed up his recovery." A warm smile would form upon inky lips as she would slide out and fixate herself outside the den, to allow Rhythm and Bass to spend some time together. "Your jaw is healing up well, but it will definatly be a bit sore and bruised for some time, to try to refrain from talking too much, and try not to place too much pressure on your bruised shoulder for some time until I can decide if it is alright or not."