
Never Thought I Would Live To See The Day


08-20-2014, 01:44 PM

Silveris was unable to sleep, something bothering her, so she pulled herself from the small ball she was curled into and walked towards where her old pack had been. She closed her mismatched eyes once she got there, and let everything wash over her. This had been her home, and, if she ever started a family with Emery, maybe it would be again. The moonlight cast a strange light on everything, nothing she had ever seen before, and she watched as it cast the light over her paws. She shook her head, still not able to get rid of whatever was bothering her so bad, and growled in irritation. She stared at the moon, her mismatched gaze shining, as she let out a loud howl, hopefully one that her mate would hear, so he could come to her. She had a feeling that Emery would help her, with whatever was bothering her. But.....what if he couldn't help her? What if he had no idea what was wrong with her, like the brown woman herself. He might, but, if he even came, Silveris would not be able to find herself to say anything.

Silveris rose to her paws, her tail held behind her as she showed no fear, not towards anything. She knew this place, and had lived here for almost the first year of her short life. She was impatient for Emery to come to her, and paced around, little irritated growls escaping her jaws. She glanced up at the moon, her mismatched eyes narrowed. Her lips curled back in a snarl, although she had no idea why she was so angry at this time. It had began at the beginning of this month, and she was still short tempered. She didn't want to be, but she was being strange.