
The Worse Kind Of Pain



08-20-2014, 03:11 PM
The charcoal female remained were she was since she wasn't sure what she could do to help, her honey shaded orbs scanned the area as she watched a few members aim to assist bass to the den however it only seemed to cause a bit of conflict. Lowering her ears upon her skull, a soft pitiful whimper vibrated in her vocal cords as her eyes shifted to linger upon bass as she silently wished she could remove his pain in some way but she wasn't skilled in the department.

The sound of a more commanding tone quickly caught her attention and she pulled her gaze away from bass hopping no one seen her lingering stare upon the male, listening to the command of the female she dipped her head in an understanding nod before she took a stride forwards. Moving passed bass and the small little crowed she carefully began walking towards the dens. As she walked she made it her business to remove as much obstacles such as fallen twigs or stones that would or could possibly cause bass more pain by him having to lift his limbs to step over them or that might cause him to fall once more.

As she walked at her slow pace she found herself idling humming to herself as she worked, now she wasn't sure if she was being helpful but she new she needed to do something occasionally she would stop and look over her shoulder to ensure that the male was able to walk through the path she was clearing and to ensure there was nothing else that was needed from her.