
with all the force of a great typhoon



8 Years
Chrono I
08-20-2014, 03:24 PM

For once the girl had drifted off into sleep, her puppy years to come would force her into it but would make her think that there was nothing but the sick and twisted things that went on throughout her dreams. She could often see a forth child being spun around in blood and thrown to a circle of birds that took him far away. And although she didn't understand that there was a forth child, another brother, she would never know that it was truth. That her mother had thrown him away.

The rustle of Herc was enough to make her flinch and wake from the sleep, and soon her sister would up and follow him. But instead of coming graciously to mother's gentle demand, she would lean back against the wall of the den, a smile to her her maw, more than glad that she was finally alone. Her siblings always tried to snuggle up close to her, as well as each other, and they never understood that she wanted them away. And sometimes she couldn't fight them off, and she would have to suffer through the night being closely encased in their scents.

Just as she was getting to like the empty den, Charon slithered in from the entrance, a pelt of browns and grays and a glowing pair of pupiless blood red orbs to go against it. She didn't understand why he changed in appearances so often, she had never met a wolf of that trait; it would only take forever for her to get that he wasn't real.

She heard the tones from her mother and siblings, and soon her father but they were easily blocked as Charon came to silently speak in her ears. "Why don't you come and play dear?" Her voice was quiet, it may have been spotted but not loud enough to make out her words. "I don't wanna go play with Herc and Euna. I've had enough time with them."

"I meant with me." She was far too young to understand the means of his playtime, and though she couldn't feel a touch from him, it hadn't mattered. "NO! I don't wanna play!" Her raised voice that time had definitely made a clear exit of the den, and anyone standing by the mouth could hear it. Her brows turned in as she glared bitterly at the ghost beside her, her head turned away from the den and her body still laid flat on her stomach.

Walk "Talk" Think