
white daisy passing


08-20-2014, 06:39 PM

Whatever Lorelei had expected to find when she left her home, this was not it. The thought of chasing her mother had enticed Lorelei, coaxing her from her home shortly before she reached a year of age - and now she found herself in a massive, unexplored world. Why, the possibilities were endless! She had years to find her mother - and years to explore this continent from tip to tip. The thought made Lorelei giggle to herself, white and gray tail wagging enthusiastically as she skipped along.

She was as lost as anything, and had no idea how to get anywhere, but the thought didn't exactly get her down. With nowhere to go, she didn't see any problem with her current state. It wasn't like she was in any rush to figure out where she was, at any rate. Lorelei was only a year old, which meant she had plenty of time to sort out her life. And that, of course, meant that she wasn't going to get started any time soon. The girl was full of energy, but she rarely put that energy towards the 'right' thing.

With nowhere to go, and no rush to get anywhere in particular, of course Lorelei was running. Her dappled paws carried her across the earth, and the girl raced herself, thundering forward. Whatever noises she made were not quieted; even her laughs carried far on the still, quiet summer day. And it was not until Lorelei was completely exhausted that she slowed down - even this, however, she did with gusto.

One moment, the yearling was sprinting, and the next she was sprawled out in the grass, legs sticking straight up in the air as her tongue hung from her maw. Panting heavily, the girl remained in that strange position, waiting to regain her breath. This was fantastic! No rules, no mothers telling her to 'be careful,' no bedtimes - in these moments, Lorelei was a little girl who had just gone to her first summer camp. She was reveling in the freedom that she had suddenly discovered, and enjoying every moment of her new life.