
All Alone


05-13-2013, 12:54 PM

The moments passed and passed the hope of finding her mother and brother were begining to fade. Why had she been so stupid! If only she'd continued to tag along and actually gone to ask Momma if they could stop for some water together then she wouldn't be in this mess right now; lost and without her family. Despite being a year old, nearly big enough to be able to fend for herself, Seraphiel still craved the closeness of her mother and Iniko. They were her only family in this new place. For the all courage she could muster up, the russet girl was still afraid. She barely knew how to hunt and her fighting skills were non existent. She had to find momma soon before something really bad happened.

Audits pricked forward, catching voices in the distance. Sapphire gems rose from the earth to dart across her surroundings, trying to identify the wolves that the voice belonged to. Their pitch became louder and more audible as they got closer and a sudden realization hit the young girl; it was Momma and Iniko! Seraphiel rose to her feet, not bothering to clear her coat as she bounded forward, her nose confirming what her ears had told her. They had found her! Her mother's blonde figure and Iniko's darker, onyx frame came into view as the two walked side by side, her name passing between their lips. Momma! Iniko! She barked happily, tail wagging furiously behind her haunches as she bounded towards her small family. And then suddenly a new scent hit her nostrils, causing her to come to a screeching halt several feet from the, hackles bristling slightly.

Momma, Niko, why do you smell different? she questioned, her head tilting quizically to the side, studying them. They didn't look different. So why did they smell different?

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