
Let Me Orbit Your Sun {Joining}


08-21-2014, 04:57 PM

Honest - that it was, indeed. Her adventure may eventually lead her away from her Abaven family, but regardless of possessing a tainted heart, it was an honest one. After all, she had been born an heir to her birth kingdom. Even those with black holes for a heart had be at least partially authentic to ensure their own safety. One could not simply survive without having some allies. Those in which lied to everyone and made enemies even with the grass beneath their paws were insane and tended to die an early death.

Bass seemed to have aged beyond his year, though, that was of no surprise. Him taking on such a large responsibility would demand him to become an adult before even willing to.

The next statement would be a welcoming surprise, an offering of a rank higher than Mruni. Ah, of course she would not turn down such an offer. Perhaps she would have if she doubted her abilities, but doubt she did not. Venus was very sure of herself, maybe even arrogant at times. Though, this offering would only make her wish to protect this young man even more. She wanted to see him succeed. Mmm, I happily accept your offer, King Bass. I will not disappoint you, or at least try my best not to. After all, mistakes are inevitable. Though, I will assure you I will give you all that I have. I cannot guarantee that Abaven will always be my home, but no matter where this life may lead me - I will always be your armored knight that will willingly protect you and your home.

Venus knew that this trust - this relationship, will become all the more strong in the end. It was an alliance that, on her part, could never be tainted. This king had so much potential and she wanted to see his kingdom thrive and together they would create an empire in which could never be scarred.

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