
It sure doesn't look like it

Rune I


5 Years
08-22-2014, 12:26 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

He had put it off for as long as he could. There had been plenty to do within the pack to keep him busy those first weeks, enough hunting and patrolling and border checking to distract him from the fact Secretua's numbers were few and that eventually, for the betterment of the pack, he was going to need to let strangers in. The thought at first had sent him off to inspect parts of the pack lands all over again, anything to get his mind off of the hard fact but it had remained no matter what he did. His family, though decently sized, was not enough to make the pack all on its own. He needed more wolves that he could trust and who could and would pull their weight once allowed the chance. He needed to recruit.

The Battlefield had been a thought in the back of his mind from the start, the easiest and surest way to find those in need or in search of a permanent residence somewhere. His reluctance was mainly due to knowing that many different types crossed into this area, seeking many different things for themselves. How could they be trusted? How could he take one of them home and know without a doubt that no harm would come to his children and his nephews because of his decision? It had not been an easy decision to make, had not even been an easy journey to make knowing it could have all been for nothing, but he had made it. The grey male wore his customary frown, feeling irritable and rather out of place though he had every right to be here. Just as every untrustworthy, malicious rogue had a right to be here too.

Who he found did not outwardly appear as devious as he had originally expected. In fact, the rogue male did not pace or prowl or run about manically. No, he sat, patiently waiting with a smile about his face, as if the predicament he found himself in was quite alright with him. It reigned Rune in from outright approaching him, wondering instead if he might have misunderstood the intent behind the wolf's patience. The grey wolf's frosty blue eyes stared at the stranger for a little while before he finally worked up the nerve to approach, holding himself with the authority of the leader that he was and wearing it in the stern lines of his face. His dark paws slowed and drew him to a stop a comfortable distance away from the rogue, still eying him warily even as he asked, "Are you waiting for someone?"