
Black Holes and Revelations


05-13-2013, 01:54 PM

Luce had grown tired of waiting, Tortuga, Valhalla, Seracia, Glaciem and every other God damned packed that infested this land with its morals and rules, could rot in the seventh layer of hell for all she cared. Her abdomen was heavy, distended with the pups she carried within her womb. His pups, the male she had not seen in weeks. She had left the comfort of her den and simply vanished, she told no one she was leaving, she told no one where she was going, but God damn it! She was pregnant and if nothing else she deserved to see Neo long enough to tell him... or perhaps just show him. He deserved to know.

The journey was killing her, her slim, lithe bodice not used to the excessive amount of weight, her back ached, her legs trembled beneath her, belly swollen and full. Cramps caught her often and many times she had needed to stop, to lie down and catch her lost breath. The journey had taken her several hours longer than it should have and when the border finally graced her vision she could have whimpered in delight, never had she been so excited to see the border of Valhalla. When last she had been here it was to say goodbye, she had not known she was pregnant, she doubted it could have even been detected, but now she arrived in desperation. She needed Neo to know, she loved him, in her own twisted way, these were his pups, his youth that she would give birth too.

Leaving a good few yards between the border and herself, having enough respect not to intentionally start something, she would slide to lie down, panting harshly and groaning at the wondrous sensation of the weight pulling off of her spine. She would take a moment to catch her breath. Pausing to suck in air greedily, before a loud call would part from her larynx calling anyone of power.
