
The Worse Kind Of Pain



7 Years

08-22-2014, 12:50 AM

Much seemed to happen in such a short time, wolves flocking to him like lost sheep. He just wanted to duck away, he didn't want his whole damn pack to see him weak like this. That is why he went to stand up and walk away, although apparently that would not be possible. Mirabelle came from no where, leaning up against his unbruised shoulder and barking orders at him. Bass' lips pulled back in a warning, his ears falling flat against his head. He did not growl, but even though he was hurt he would not deal with being talked like that. He understood that Mira was trying to get through to him, but using a force that he knew no others would use. He refrained from talking though, because she was right. His jaw hurt very much, moving it was becoming less and less of an option. He was already upset with Mirabelle for off and vanishing on him though, which made him less inclined to want to deal with her problems shoving that dominance down. He bumped against her shoulder with a bit of force, but then leaned against the support that she offered. Walking was harder than he thought, but he just wanted to be strong for his members.

The slate blue man showed up next, his words carrying his gaze over to Quelt. He blinked slowly at the man, a small smile spreading on his lips at his kind words. He had been worried that the older man would hate him for not defending his mate, and yet he returned with kind words, seeming to rally the members around him. It took a bit of the weight off of his shoulders, but not enough. Misery was a hard thing to simply shake off, and Bass knew somewhere in his heart that this loss would be one that would take a bit to accept. Leaning forward, he touched his nose to Quelt's own nose. Although he was unable to dwell in the happiness much longer, because Wren stormed up looking like an angered cat, her multi-coloured fur on end. He blinked when she called Mirabelle a rat, not knowing that she had that in her.

Harmony would also step beside Wren, her anger matching the other female's. Bass was rather confused bu it, while he had taken a bit of anger to her words, he had not expected a reaction quite like this. Xae tried to calm them, telling them that getting Bass to his den was most important. He nodded his head, he just wanted to lay down and sleep. Motif then tossed her own words in the fray, using her powers as his Azgrat to control the situation. She told them to go to her with all pack matters, which took even more weight off of his weak shoulders. And it was then that he picked up her scent, and Bass truly thought that he was going crazy.

Turning his head towards the smell of his long lost sister, he saw that he wasn't crazy -- at least not that much. Rhythm made herself seen, making Bass' tail wag behind him. Pushing away from Mirabelle he took slow steps towards her, a goofy grin on his maw. "Where. Been?" He asked, his jaw screaming in pain as he uttered the two simple words. Stumbling slightly, he righted himself just enough to press his form into her chocolate one, pressing a delicate kiss on her shoulder. He was too wrapped up in her being there that he didn't notice Sable approach them, he was far too focused on embracing Rhythm.