
Mighty fine and she's all mine



3 Years
08-29-2014, 06:51 PM

The time spent with his new companion certainly was wonderful, she still remained so close to him, the attention and affection certainly still continuing and Soliloquy still felt a pride within in for his prize. They would reach the range and she would begin to speak, enquiring as to whether this was home for them and he would respond with a nod of his head. "Covari used to own these lands, when the rest of the pack disbanded and left we remained here. It is home for now, until the next step is sorted out." He would explain to her, she certainly deserved to know after all it would be her home now as well.

Her next words however would surprise and yet also please him. Some royalty he honestly couldn't care less about, the former King of Uroril and his stuck up family for example, so unable to see the greatness within the Destructions that resided within his pack. Perhaps he had been scared, knowing their potential though Soliloquy would never search for excuses for his neglect the other powerful families around him, the Destructions were certainly far more worthy of respect than his kin.

Isolde's family however, he had an inkling that they were more comparable to his than the Uroril royalty. Never had she tried to boast about whatever power they held or once had, only now had the news been brought to light. She certainly hadn't looked down upon him either, never questioned him about his own bloodline or former titles. His own direct family may not have held any power since his grandfather though they certainly could rule if they wished. That still wouldn't be revealed now however, the arrival of his brother would distract him from responding aloud to Isolde's comment.

It certainly wasn't a difficult assumption to make, the close proximity of the pair and the way that Soliloquy carried himself, still somewhat smug about it all and now even more so with his recent news that she evidently came from a strong family as well. He had certainly chosen well. "This is Isolde." He would introduce the russet girl to his brother. "This is my brother, Scorpion."