
Black Holes and Revelations



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
05-13-2013, 02:38 PM (This post was last modified: 05-13-2013, 02:38 PM by Epiphron.)

The call of a stranger echoed through the Valhallan territory, arresting Epiphron from her aimless wandering. The girl snapped to attention immediately, head tilting towards the heavens above, ears standing erect atop her small cranium. The voice was unfamiliar, brimming with exhaustion and something else, something that she couldn't quite detect. Promptly the girl increased her pace to a steady trot, nostrils flaring wide as her nose nearly skimmed the ground, following the scent.

As the foreign wolf came into view, her shining blue gaze sparkled with interest. Even from a great distance, she could tell the woman was exhausted. A few more steps revealed that the white-furred female was pregnant -- her belly bulged dramatically from her body, weighing down her small frame. Though she looked fatigued, she was beautiful, and Epiphron noted their striking similarities. This wolf had a more dappled coat, while her own was devoid of color. She had slid down, giving her back a break from carrying the children inside her belly.

As she approached her, Epiphron Adravendi's face was devoid of any signs of recognition. Instead, she forced a smile onto her lips, her tail swinging high above her back. Regality would seep from her very being as she approached with long, graceful steps, finally coming to stop at a reasonable distance from the woman. She had been smart to stop before the border, and Epiphron was thankful for the polite gesture.

"What brings you to my home, may I ask? My name is Epiphron Adravendi, Alpha female of Valhalla." Ah, yes, had to show off her importance to the pack, letting the woman know she had power and could answer any questions she might have.