
Determination Station



10 Years
08-22-2014, 07:53 AM (This post was last modified: 08-22-2014, 11:34 AM by Harmony.)

There was quite a bit of commotion by the rapids, even more so than the rushing water slapping against the conglomerate rocks. It sparked curiosity and anxiety. "Now who's playing by the Rapids?" A grunt would escape inky lips as she would turn about in her den, having just freshly woken up at the first light of sunrise, mismatched gems still drowsy. She would peek her muzzle out of the den, mismatched gems adjusting to the rising daylight. At first, the sight seemed to be a hallucination of Hajime's death, but after several blinks, it seemed to not be so, seeing Bass out of his den walking toward one of the Walker's pups. BASS. The sight of him out of his den enraged her. He was in no shape to travel all the way across Abaven's lands, but somehow he did it. Oh, he was going to get an earful, maybe even get dragged by his tail by his sister. Good times. Mismatched gems ignited in calm anger, her bodice dropping low as she slithered from her den, carefully displacing grass so she could remain hidden in the long stalks.

In her endeavors, she observed the child leaping upon rocks next to the rapids, which almost wanted to make her scream [ and flip her shit. ] Why were Abaven's wolves so prone to accidents and wounds and deaths?! Answer: Ambition. She screamed silently within the confines of her mind, beginning to crawl faster toward the duo, disregarding the slate blue man known as Quelt Arrow. His shoulder fared well, but he stood, clearly ignoring the fact that the child had just almost delivered his life to the rapids. Mismatched gems caught light as she would approach the rear of Bass, slowly rising from the blades of grass and letting a low growl sound from her throat, nipping his heel -- hard. "Bass!" She shook her head in disapproval and disappointment, mismatched gems fixated only on her brother and the pup. "Bass, how many times have I told you cannot go out of your den!" Oh, this wasn't all of the earful he was going to get. Just he wait until Harmony would have him back in his stony cave. "How did you even get all the way over here?!"
