
The Worse Kind Of Pain


08-22-2014, 11:39 AM

If Xae were the emotional type, he would have sighed in exasperation. At least Mirabelle's retorts weren't too rude. Harmony, as well, seemed to lower her fur as Motif came in and interrupted the bickering wolves. Xae nodded in understanding, skinny limbs carrying him backwards, further away from his Azat to allow him some space as his darker sibling demanded. Shortly after Motif's speech, another dark she-wolf made her appearance. Grey gaze rested on her in curiousity, questions instantly coming to the surface of his thoughts. The she-wolf had similar markings to the other Destruction siblings. In fact, she looked remarkably close in appearance to Motif, with several differences. The biggest, in Xae's mind, was the difference in their personalities. For as long as he'd known her - which, really, was only about half a season - she was quiet, and seemed easily angered, or at least easily irritated. The new she-wolf gave off a different air. But of course, Xae couldn't say for sure, considering he'd never met this female before in his life.

Bass clearly had, however. He immediately made his way over to her, speaking a couple of words, making Xae wince. Admittedly, a part of the russet male just wanted Bass to shut up and listen. But Bass wouldn't be Bass if he did that, now would he? And, even if Xae couldn't really say he loved Bass - the thought seemed... weird, even if his love for the Azat was purely platonic - he did respect him and look up to him. But really. He shouldn't have been talking. He sent a somewhat worried gaze to Harmony, but if she caught it, he didn't know, for she was soon right at Bass's side. Xae stepped closer to the Destruction wolves, clearing his throat. "Azat Bass, you should not speak. I believe you have a fractured jaw." He turned his gaze to Harmony, only a quick glance, before he was looking at Bass again. Another sound caught his ears, and the russet male turned to watch Sable, his charge, clearing a smooth path for the Azat. "The sooner we bring you to your den, Azat, the sooner you will heal." His voice was soft, gentle, but Xae turned to help lead the way back, also making sure the path was clear behind Sable. He only hoped that his leader actually listened and saved the catching up for when he was more rested.
