
Sneak Away



08-22-2014, 01:06 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Until he was bored. Not exactly the kind of answer she had anticipated, but it made sense. He was free; he had nothing but boredom and entertainment to determine where and when he went, unhindered by anything. She was envious in her own way, but at the same time discouraged knowing one day he might suddenly disappear from this area, seeking fulfillment elsewhere. And then her acquaintanceship would be done and over with and she would not know where to find him again if she wanted to. Not that she knew for certain yet that she wanted to keep in touch with him; it was just the most exciting encounter she had had in her short life and was a shame to her that it might be over so quickly.

For a moment, she thought Aurelio's point of boredom had already arrived when he suddenly got to his feet and started to pad away, leaving her sitting alone with widening eyes. Was that it? Was their conversation going to be over just like that? Hastily, to prolong their meeting, Vaishya hurried to her paws and took a quick step after the timber-colored youth, only to have him stop after mere feet to sit down again facing her. As before, she did not immediately follow suit and remained on her feet, though now it was to be ready to follow, at least for a short distance, if he intended to get away from her. Her wide eyes stared at him with some of the same uncertainty as before but now caution was replaced with curiosity.

"You're not leaving now, are you?" she asked, trying not to sound over eager or too invested in their conversation though she was. What had started as an accidental meeting had quickly turned into one of her most enjoyable ones. As if it might somehow keep him there longer, she added, "You don't even know my name yet." Not that she was entirely averse to "young darling." It was really starting to grow on her.