
Will You Accept My Love Again?



7 Years
08-22-2014, 07:31 PM

Walk | Talk
| Think

Another shiver, another smile, was expressed as her husband's paw settled upon her throat, her cloudy and golden eyes opening in a lazy sort of half-lidded stare to look up into the tree cover and vegetation that hid them away from prying eyes. Everything felt right in the world again. She had been wrong about her husband, thinking that he might still be angry with her, thinking that his feelings for her had been falsified all this time to hide an attachment to the woman he had previously been with. And he had apologized for hurting her, for attacking her as he had. Everyone was forgiven and bonds were once again renewed. And Tahlia was sure she had never felt so wonderful.

Bane moved beside her, drawing closer so that she could feel him press against her side while his paw shifted lower to draw circles within the fur of her chest. Turning her head, Tahlia placed a couple soft kisses against his muzzle as she rested her head beside his, closing her eyes once again in a moment of rest. Easily she could have stayed like this forever, within her husband's embrace and enjoying the feel of him close, basking in a moment of their renewed vows.

She roused only when he moved beside her, and lazily she shifted her head to peer at him as she blinked her eyes open. His tongue rasped against her chin and caused her to smile upward into his face, her contentment and happiness evident about her being. The idea that Bane suggested, a day spent between the two of them at the lake, sounded wonderful, a perfect way to finish out a morning that had started off so horribly and had already turned around into something fantastic. Her tail wagged as he drew away, making it apparent he was ready to lead the way. "That sounds perfect," she answered him, rolling to her stomach and then pushing to her paws. She shook herself off, vaguely wondering in what state of disarray she might have been left in but already making plans to clean up in the lake. Padding over to Bane and brushing against his side as she fell into step with him, only stopping long enough once they were there to nuzzle him softly before she led them into the water.

-End Thread-