
Get that finish line[fest. race]


08-23-2014, 01:38 PM

The spars were over, a part of the Festival that Allen had not participated in. He did not covet unnecessary fighting. It made his heart ache whenever he was faced with that. The calico male hadn't exactly planned on staying in Ebony lands either, with the awkwardness presented being here, but even he longed to have just a bit of fun. Something that might take his mind of things. So here he was, ready to participate in the races of the Festival. He considered himself fast, though that didn't mean he was the fastest in all of Alacritia. No, Allen knew there were others who could outshine him. The male just longed to do something with himself he supposed.

The calico man's dark green eyes would fall on the dark colored brute. He supposed that this was his opponent, and well, it was only a matter of time before they were off. He would prepare himself, gaze setting on the goal. "Best of luck to you." The words would rumble gently from his throat. He would do his best, and that was all he could really be expected to do, right?

"Speech", 'Thought'