
with all the force of a great typhoon


08-23-2014, 01:41 PM
Allowing his eyes to adjust to the lighting, the small boy took in big breathes, wanting to take in all the new scents as much as possible. I was, refreshing, and more free than the muggy air of the cramped den with his family. It was nice. Then he was bumped into, turning to see who had bumped him the boy would see it was Eunomia, and instead of getting mad he simply grinned and nuzzled his sister's shoulder as she sat beside him.

Within moments their father showed up, answering the boy's question on if he would show up. The boy chuckled, pressing his head into the man's touch before looking to his mother when she spoke. Now she had given them a kiss on their heads, the smile remaining on the boy's face. When she asked, teasingly of course, why Hercules thought his father wouldn't show, the boy's paws shifted a little shyly. "You and papa not always here, thought he was would be working." He spoke up with an embarrassed look on his face.

Mother gave the two permission to explore, as long as their stayed within their parents sight. The boy's face lit up to hear this, nodding his head and looking to Eun excitedly. Quickly rising to all four the boy would gently nipped his sibling's shoulder before whipping around and running from the group with a laugh, tail swinging like mad and tongue lolling out the side of his mouth.

He wouldn't wait for Chione to join, he figured she would come out when she was ready.