
The Devil In Stitches


05-13-2013, 03:44 PM

Oh the woes of the distastefully lazy! The ache of young bones that didn't wish to move! The plight of the sinfully sloth. Grinner rose to his legs slowly with a yawn loud enough to wake the dead. He took his time going to the meeting, there HAD just been one after all, there wasn't anything terribly important they had to say that they hadn't said before. He was sure their shining star of a leader was simply going to greet them in person rather than send his bitch to do the dirty work. Slowly the black and rust colored wolf made his way to the new meeting place, stopping first at a creek to drink and then at a rabbit hole for a snack. His morning routine went uninterrupted as usual, and when he finally felt the desire he meandered to the meeting ground and-oh. That was unexpected. In Kaien's stead there was another, dripping in blood that smelled of Tortuga's favorite little bastard. He liked the girl already. He had seen her around Tortuga but had never had the chance to properly introduce himself. He listened intently, standing at the edge of the meeting place, just barely hidden in the shadows if not for the flash of white going down his back. She confirmed what he had already assumed; Kaien was dead, and she had taken their place as their leader. She went on to explain that they would remain neutral, boring, and that Valhalla wolves were off limits. "No fun allowed." A voice sang in his head. There we go. Something interesting. a tournament. Oh what a joy that would be to watch....Wait....He'd have to participate wouldn't he? He supposed it was worth voicing his concerns "And what of us who are not skilled hunters or brutish fighters. Surely Tortuga still has a place for little ol' me~" He purred, tail swaying lightly as his mocking tone broke the silence.
