
even a god-king can bleed



7 Years
08-23-2014, 07:32 PM

The new queen settled back on her haunches to await the arrival of the pack, but she did not wait long. As hoped, Helios was the first to come, their children trailing behind him. She greeted him with affection and whispered the news. "I want you to know before I announce it - Virgil has passed the pack to us. She needed more help than I can offer and I sent her to recover with my family." She only made it through those few words - words she would soon repeat - before others began arriving. She greeted each member that greeted her in turn, but her nerves prevented her from noticing and acknowledging each wolf that arrived directly.

She waited until silence enveloped them, a sign that all had arrived who intended to, before addressing the pack and its potential members. "First, thank you to everyone who is present today. Those who are not here will no longer be members of Olympus, except for those I have directly excused. Family members not present will not be removed from the pack, but will be punished for their failure to show." She paused before moving to the story. "As some of you may already know, the Virgil suffered a very difficult pregnancy and birth that almost cost her her life. She was in need of care that none of us are qualified to give, so she has gone to be treated by my maiden family. She appointed me to fill the role that has opened in her absence. While this technically makes me the primary leader of the pack, Helios and I will jointly lead Olympus as the gods intended."

"Our rankings and laws will undergo some slight changes in this transition. Helios and myself will be known by the titles of Patriarch and Matriarch, respectively, in accordance with Olympus tradition. The next ranked wolf will be the Delphi, the most talented Oracle of the Olympus family. A Prince or Princess will be trained to eventually take the throne. We will be creating a high council, a group dedicated to evaluating and creating the laws of the pack in the best interests of the whole. The council will be made up of the Ephors, Apellas, and Perioeci. The lead warrior, hunter, and healer - Peltast, Strategos, and Atomist respectively - will also sit on the high council. Ordinary warriors, hunters, and healers will be known by the same titles with the prefix of Anti. Olympian born healers will become Oracles."

"Members of the family will be known as Spartiates, their children Proxenoi. Members over age 8 will be Gerousia, non-Olympian yearlings will be Hoplites, and younger non-Olympian children will be Sciritae. The lowest tier will be comprised of Slaves, Prisoners, and Helots, the non-Olympian pack members who do not specialize in contributing to the pack." She paused at the end of her listing of the ranks, to give it a moment to sink in. "The laws will remain largely the same, except that they will be better enforced. Each member over a year old will be required to prove him or herself in the art of combat, because it is imperative that all members of Olympus are able to defend themselves and the pack. Each member over a year will also be required to specialize in contributing to the pack, lest you be demoted to Helots. Any challenges for ranks must be approved by Helios or myself, as we do not want wolves challenging based on strength without ensuring that they have the other qualities necessary for the rank they desire."

"As of right now all positions are available for any wolves who so wish to prove their capabilities, except for one. As the eldest child of our former rightful Empress, Gaia has officially been appointed to the position of Princess and will train under me to eventually take the throne." A smile lit her maw at the announcement that she had been thrilled to make. "And, to further bring good news to the Princess, I am pleased to announce that the gods have approved of her engagement to Solo, son of the former leader of Covari."

Finally through the good news, Natalya moved on to what she thought was a grim, but nevertheless important, topic. "I know that some of you may not be happy living in Olympus. This is your opportunity to leave if you desire, but any requests after this may very well be met with a denial. As for those of you who wish to stay, please voice your preferences for ranking within the pack and how you will prove your qualifications for said rankings. In addition, I am requesting volunteers from whom I can choose wolves to aid my husband and I in seeking out alliances with the other packs on the continent. Finally, I request that all Olympus family members remain here after the meeting to go over the laws that pertain only to us."

She would turn then to her husband and speak in a hushed voice. "Is there anything you would like to add?"