
round n' round } ◀️


08-23-2014, 07:33 PM

Fear -- it tied the striped child down, encaged him behind impenetrable bars, pinned him to the ground. For many days straight the child had starved nearly to death, remaining in the shelter of a rock overhang, practically sitting in his feces. Silently he would beg for the rock to collapse and end his struggle against life. He was too afraid to leave it's stone-cold embrace: to see what new life could promise him. He knew naught of hunting, of surviving without someone to teach him how to live by himself. A quiet sob would come from the traumatized child as thoughts of his mother would flow into his consciousness. Why had she abandoned him? Mother's didn't abandon their children, right? None of his siblings had been abandoned, only him. "Mama... was I not good enough?" Quietly, the boy would curl up, his thin frame providing little warmth in the cold shelter, his frail figure collapsing beneath it's weight. He only weighed fifty pounds by now, having starved nearly to death and suffered from disease. It was so cold... so deadly... Darkness creeped in on the boy's vision, peeking at the edges. No... there had to be a new life for him. There had to be! He'd go with anyone by now. He just wanted a home. He just wanted to belong.

He now was tightly curled into a small ball of orange and striped fur, large ears alert for noise of anyone coming. He begged to hear someone -- even something to call a companion. Verde and carmine gems would search the dark and misty forest, imagining monsters seeking to eat the poor child alive. The sound of a twig snapping would send the boy scurrying to shove himself into the smallest crack he could, to get away from this potential predator. But it was obvious from the piles of feces and scents of urine that there was a free meal here -- not very fleshy, but it would do... Quietly, he would curl, struggling to hold his breath and pinning his ears, banded tail tucked between his tail, trauma lighting his eyes.
