
excuse me but what the fraggle rock are you doing



3 Years
08-24-2014, 12:02 AM

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The male softened, seeming to want to eat her much less now that she wasn't pondering meandering into the territory and causing mischief. However, she still wasn't feeling like the most social little lass, and felt better behaving in a shy manner. The male regarded her with unreadable eyes, and she watched him warily in return. What was he thinking about? Was he sorry for kicking them out? Probably not, pack wolves never really cared about nomads like her family, if they lived there or not, they'd claim what they liked. Rust toned paw would scuff along the dirt, sending a pebble skittering through the grass, only to disappear into the tall stalks. With a small sigh, her acidic pools would turn up to focus on the big male when he did finally speak. He informed her in a hushed tone that he was clueless as to her family's whereabouts. Well, that made things so much easier. Her ears drooped out to the sides in disappointment, and she let out another quiet huff. When he made his inquiry, she snorted quietly, a sad smile turning up the corners of her onyx lips. "Well, when we moved last time, we moved from the Serpent Plains, which a pack named..." She paused, frowning now as she tried to call up the name of the last pack to take over her home. "I dunno, Abercrombie or something like that. So we moved here." She sighed, scuffing her rust stocking covered paw through the dirt again. "They could be anywhere now, probably."
She stared hard at the ground, frustrated that she kept losing her homes to wolves who didn't even ask before they took. It always happened when she was away, and she had to go searching for her family. "My name's Acadia, by the way. But everyone just calls me Ace." She offered hesitantly, peering up through long dark lashes at the male. It was always polite to introduce yourself, no matter whether you needed to or not.
OOC: oh no shitty post am sorry

Fenben made me this here arts, thank you Fenben!