
even a god-king can bleed


08-24-2014, 08:24 AM

Large ebony paws struck the earth with a sort of careless nonchalance. Yes, Charon had heard the call. He noticed that it did not belong to the golden queen. But still he answered it, arriving last on the scene and hanging in the shadows. The man had been keeping up his polite demeanor rather well as of late, but this sudden change in plans was beginning to piss him off. He struggled to look pleasant, not drawing attention to himself as he listened to the Olympus woman speak. Apparently she was of his blood, though Charon had never heard from his father about her. Only Virgil had been named, and she had been the target. The queen that had to be ripped from her throne. But the dark male still had not seen her around, much less spoken with her to get on good terms. Perhaps she was gone? Why else would this ebony bitch be calling a meeting in her place?

Golden flames crawled up his legs as he walked quietly in, seating himself behind the others as the woman began to address the crowd. She first thanked everyone for arriving and announced that those who had not shown up were no longer members of the pack. Charon chuckled once, bleakly. If she had not seen him and sought to throw him from her borders, he wouldn't go without a fight. This place was his home. He had a right to live here by blood, and had no committed any crimes that could convince her otherwise. Not yet, anyway. Perhaps he would need to talk to the woman later, in private, and win a bit of her trust.

Ears twitched as she spoke again, saying that Virgil was now unfit to lead due to birthing complications. The throne had been passed to this woman, apparently, and Charon tried to put on a smile and look happy for her. She and her husband would lead the pack together, as the gods intended. Right. Maybe her gods intended it to be that way, but his didn't agree. Still, he kept the false smile on his face as she continued to speak, listing ranks and expectations. The Princess, it seemed, would be trained to take over the throne when her time came. Charon watched hungrily as the Matriarch gestured to a silvery child with blind eyes and strange white markings. Her engagement to the fiery red boy was announced, and perhaps noises of celebration would be heard. But Charon dropped the act for a moment and did not join in. He simply stared at the royal girl, planning her demise. She was blind. That made things easy. But she had a boyfriend to protect her. Perhaps more lives would need to be lost, more throats cut and more blood spilled, before the ebony brute could win his rightful throne.

His facade would snap back into place as the Matriarch requested that family members remain to discuss things that pertained only to them. Charon allowed his expression to lighten up, the greed fading from his eyes as his lips pulled apart into a genuine smile. He was family, whether this woman liked it or not, and he intended to stay behind and listen. So the Olympus boy rose to his feet, nodding at a few of the members nearby, and stepped closer to his new queen. He sat next to the pup that had taken a liking to him during the border scene, bumping his shoulder lightly as he sat. "Nice to see you again," he whispered, winking at the boy. "Have you been working on your fighting skills lately? Maybe after this I could give you a lesson."

He could literally feel a gag in his throat as he spoke the words. But hopefully he wouldn't have to keep up this good guy facade for long. Then he could tear into this fake queen, and her stupid little princess too.