
excuse me but what the fraggle rock are you doing

Rune I


5 Years
08-24-2014, 09:50 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

It was not the sort of conversation Rune had hoped to be having on this little patrol trip of his - hell, if he had had it his way, there would have been no conversing at all and the border would have been completely empty - but he supposed it was just one of the challenges that came with being a leader. Being forced to withstand uncomfortable or irritating interactions when there were other things you could be doing that would be considerably less trying. At least the girl was polite. She had that going in her favor, and so far nothing had been said or done to really irk the burly grey wolf. Either she had been taught well or she was more intimidated by him than her quiet demeanor seemed to let on.

And apparently this had all happened to her before. Not once, but twice, the girl's family had been evicted from it home, forced to move and find a new place of residence since they seemed to refuse to join a pack. It seemed almost silly to him, but then again for a while even he had been reluctant to join any of the remaining packs after Covari had fallen. It had only been the prospect of creating his own that had given his family a pack name under which they could reside, and here they were. Had her family followed some similar course, perhaps? If so, finding them might actually be easier than she seemed to think.

Rune was still quiet after she had finished explaining about her family, wondering at the likelihood that they might return for their lost child. She introduced herself after a moment, and because she probably deserved to know that much about the man who had taken her home, the grey wolf did the same. "Rune," he offered simply, "Guardian of Secretua." He was still adjusting to his title, but maybe it gave him a new course of action that he could take. "If you think they might come back, you can stay here and wait for your family." Opening his borders so soon had never been his intention - he was still wanting to be very particular about those he allowed near his family - but this was a child, one that he had displaced and made homeless. It was a special circumstance. "Or, if you prefer, I could send someone to search for them with you." It might actually do Eirik some good to get out, Rune thought, and at least spare him from constantly being under scrutiny. But that all depended on what this girl wanted to do.