
Exit Does Not Exist


05-13-2013, 04:39 PM
Quote:Her vocabulary expanded quickly, repeating every word in her mind as soon as he said it and pairing it with the word she knew for what he was saying. "Magazu.. Rain..." She repeated automatically, almost no pause between his words and her response. She watched with him as the clouds seemed to part at their words, the downpour ceasing and the sun beginning to shine. A wide grin split over her features as she stood up and bounded forward, hopping up to press her paws against his forehead so she could look over his mass blocking the entrance. "Prospero!!! Look! Sun!" she yipped, half barking the words and half speaking them, tiny body seeming to wiggle with excitement. It felt like it had been raining forever and though she had enjoyed her time with Prospero in the cave, learning his tongue and teaching hers she wanted out. She wanted to run and chase butterflies and maybe wrestle Prospero if he let her. Maybe he would let her stay with him! Could she ask? Maybe later, she couldn't find the words to ask him now, vocabulary too small.
