
One Lost, is now Found.



08-24-2014, 04:12 PM

With much effort, the growing young woman managed to catch enough birds for the group to snack on. Ever since that incident with the water, Resnera had felt like she had to step up with her sibling, to look out and help her mother out as much as possible. Father was no where to be found, and though the girl doubted he was dead, she had to set him aside for now till her mother was doing well with her aging body.

With a heavy sigh the girl would rise from her fresh kill, ears rotating smoothly to lay against her skull, bird held firmly in her jaws. She would have to gather the other two she hid then go back to where she had last seen her mother and sibling (if ryker is with). She moved swiftly, weaving in and out of the thicket with ease, bright eyes watching her surroundings carefully. Since she was a pup the girl knew she should be aware of what was going on around her, both scent and sound. One moment the breeze could be coming towards you, bringing the scent of a water source and meal then a moment later it could change direction and bring a stranger's scent to your attention.

Within a couple minutes Resnera was able to gather the birds and was off to rejoin her family, tail swinging calmly behind her, head held high. Halfway there she would hear something in the sky, causing the girl to slow down, ears swiveling around. A screech from that of a large bird, not thinking much of it she would continue on her way, squeezing through a particularly thick bunch of bushes. Then there was a howl...

Now she would really stop, brows coming together in confusion as she listened closely. That call, it sounded familiar, and because of it, it made her nervous. Carefully the girl would set her kills down, then lift her muzzle to the sky, calling to her family, let them know she was alright and also wanting to know their location as well. Being a curious girl and adventurous normally, she didn't want to check out the source of the howl on her own.
