
Thrown Back and Forth



8 Years
Extra large
08-24-2014, 05:21 PM

With a warm, welcoming smile, Deviant allowed the woman to make her way over in her own time. Rush and he felt like she would view him as a creeper, not really pay attention and perhaps she would view him as a jerk. So he would remain laying there with a smile, patient, even dipping his own head when she had. Ears twitched at her voice, noting how he was quite kind and was very appreciated. He smirked with a contained chuckle, head turning away so that his golden gaze could look out and over the lake. "A gift my mother passed on to me, kindness." Small talk, he glanced back to the woman after a few moments.

She had settled herself down nearby, and he was in no way offended that she had not come to his side. He understood a bit of the female mind, knowing why she didn't come join his side of the doe carcass. He would notice something different about her, a missing eye. Golden orbs wouldn't linger long, and the moment they did glance it would appear as just a glance towards her general direction. He wasn't rude, and didn't mind another's appearance. Sometimes you couldn't control what happened to your body.

The woman introduced herself as Destruction, chuckling at herself for not living up to the name anymore. It made Deviant wonder if she was a warrior back in her prime, or something along those lines. Was it how she lost her eye? Keeping him for thinking up anything else, she went on to ask what his own name was. With a small nod of his head the man would clear his throat, a foreleg crossing over the other, smile still worn. "A pleasure to meet you Miss Destruction, I am Deviant, Deviant Black." He introduced himself with a bow of his head, holding pride in his name and knowing that his children carried the same one though he wasn't with them at the moment.

"Destruction..." He spoke, the name rolling off his tongue smoothly, though he said it thoughtfully. His skull had turned away from her to instead look up at the darkening sky, tilting to the side in thought. "If you do not mind me asking, were you a warrior with darker intentions some time ago miss?" He asked curiously, turning his golden gaze back to her. The man did not want to appear nosy or rude, his working mind just curious about what the woman had meant. Whether she was darker aligned in her younger days or not, he didn't really care, what was in the past was there for a reason.

Awesome table by Requiem <3