
I Just Killed My Boyfriend


08-24-2014, 07:15 PM

Again and again her opponent kept coming, refusing to give up. Blood was spilling and stained her pelt, the crimson liquid staining her coat. Adrenaline kept the pain at bay, but she knew as soon as this battle ended, her body was ache. Her warrior blood kept her pushing harder, driving forward so that she would not fall again to the pale wench. There would be nothing better than watching both her father crumple and this pale bitch fall. Two bodies striking the earth would make her the happiest woman alive.

No matter what, her defenses remained in tact as much as possible. Her eyes would narrowed, ears pinned tightly against her skull as her hackles remained spiked along her back and neck. Her head would lower to align with her spine, while her chin tucked to protect her throat. Broad shoulders and neck would scrunch to push an extra layer of fat and fur around her neck. Her tail would straighten and align with her spine, ready to act as rudder or tuck if necessary. Her limbs would spread equidistant and bend at the joint to better her balance and lower her center of gravity. Toes would splay, claws dug into the ground as she tightened her abdominal muscles to strength her core.

Her own left forelimb would be released, but not before dull claws dug into the back of her left leg, seeking to leave lacerations. Unable to move her paw, claws would rake down her left limb, though they didn?t draw blood, just left the skin irritated and tender, yanking out some of her hair in the process. A growl would vibrate in her chest, as her leg settled back onto the ground, reestablishing her firm balance. Much to her dismay, her fangs would fail to pierce her adversaries eye, instead piercing the shallow skin of her pale forehead, this would also prevent her from being able to put pressure on her opponents neck, and failing to obtain a grip. The only upside was her opponent had relinquished her hold on her own russet limb and her ivory beauty was now flawed. With all four legs placed on the ground, her hind legs would step several paces to her right in an attempt to bring her nearly head on with her opponent as she pulled her jaws away form her opponents face. As she moved, pale jaws would grip the outer (and upper) left side of her neck. A snarl of rage left her jaws as pain shot out across her neck, though it was far from lethal. In sync with the bite, her opponent would shoot forward with enough force to knock her back two steps, but because of her repositioning in an attempt to place Artemis head on, the pale wench collided with the point of her left shoulder, immediately causing a heavy bruise. Her adversary wanted to spill her blood, but because of her defenses, fangs would only grab a thick chunk of fat and fur, leaving her vitals unharmed.

As soon as Artemis collided with her, russet jaws would jump into the action. With her opponents jaws tilted to her (arts) right, her own jaws would turn to her left, attempting to grab a hold of the woman?s left sided upper neck, she hoped that the positioning of the woman?s pale jaws would leave part of her neck exposed. She wanted a hold that give her control over her opponents head and perhaps even knick something vital. She wasn?t against the idea of ending the pale wenches life. Simultaneously, her left paw would reach to attempt to wrap around her foe?s right forelimb. The moment her paw left the ground, she would adjust her weight to the three remaining limbs, bending her hind legs more and spreading them a few inches wider, to take just a bit more of her weight so that she couldn?t be knocked over as easily. Her left forelimb would attempt would wrap around the center of her opponents pale right leg. She hoped that between her attempted bite and swipe at her (arts) leg, that the woman would go tumbling to the ground. She was desperate to see the pale woman crumble.

ATTACKS: moving her hind end several steps to her right in an attempt to bring them to a nearly head on position, thus allowing her to attempt to grab a hold of the upper left side of Arts neck. She seeks a hold that is deep and strong enough to hopefully control Arts head and possibly nick something vital. Simultaneously, she reaches her left paw forward, and attempts to wrap around the center of Arts right forelimb.

DEFENSES: eyes narrowed, ears pinned, hackles lifted, chin tucked, head lowered and aligned with spine, shoulders scrunched forward to provide an extra layer of fat and fur around her neck, tail straight and aligned with spine to act as rudder, limbs spread equidistant and bent at the joint, toes splayed, claws digging into the ground, abdominal muscles tightened

INJURIES: round 1- heavy bruising to the left side of her rib cage, light bruising across her forehead. round 2 - severe bite to her upper leg, above her elbow but below where her leg attaches to her body. moderate bruising to her left shoulder from colliding with Arts right shoulder round 3 - moderate puncture wounds to the left outer portion of her neck, heavy bruise to the point of her left shoulder.

OOC: Aly and I have both agreed that Lunar will be judging this, and Luns has agreed :) Good luck aly!!


image copyrighted to Lakela on dA